Blogging Information for Parents

A blog (a contraction of the term weblog) is similar to an online journal, made up of short and frequently updated posts. They can be best be described as a ‘window into the classroom’, providing you with an insights into regular day-to-day learning and activities. 

Why Blogs?
Blogs provide a window into our classrooms, a platform to showcase the rich and diverse teaching and learning that takes place here at SLGS, Bayview as well as a key tool to communicate home learning information, resource links and diary dates throughout our busy school year.

Blog Management
Each teacher will act as administrator for their own blog. As a parent, you can opt to subscribe for email notifications of new posts by submitting your email address at the bottom of the blog. To simplify navigation, click on a selected label (listed on the right hand side of the blog) to locate a specific blog post. Parent comments are not part of our blog set up.

Blog Safety
As administrators, teachers will control the blog content. TELC – Year 4 students will not have access to post comments on the blogs. Please be assured online safety is our priority and as such, all staff will be following these established guidelines.

Stage 3 Blog Safety
Our Stage 3 students will be invited by their teachers to post relevant and appropriate comments on their blogs. This provides opportunities for students to adopt safe online behaviour and to improve digital literacy as they collaborate in a protected online environment. Every student post is sent directly to the teacher’s email so that it can be checked before being made public. When emphasizing blog safety, teachers will regularly refer students to a document based on the signed agreement, Responsible Use of Information and Communication Technology. It is called Stage 3 Blogging Guidelines (and posted on all blogs accessed by Stage 3 students). They will discuss and explicitly teach the skills outlined in this document that are necessary for our students to be educated digital citizens.

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